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16 October 2006

Full Name:
AdClicker Websearch
Type: Adware
Also Known as: Troj/Fakespy-B ADclicker-BM(Mcafee)
SG Index: 3 [Explain]
Removal tools: List of products that detect/remove/protect against AdClicker:
# X-Cleaner
# Greynet Enterprise Manager
Category Description: Program that delivers advertisements on your PC.

Note that many websites have their own advertising, unrelated to adware.

Adware is any software application in which advertising is displayed while the program is running. The authors of these applications include additional code that delivers the ads, which can be viewed through pop-up windows or through a bar that appears on a computer screen and sometimes through text links or in integrated search results. Adware may or may not track personal information. It may also gather information anonymously or in aggregate only. Users should check the EULA and Privacy policy to ensure if the adware on their machines conforms to their standards.
Official Description: Runs in the background and periodically pops up a warning that there is a problem with your computer. Can display a warning message from the system tray that your computer has spyware. Clicking the warning message will take you to a website to download antispyware software that does not do what it claims.
Comment: This adware program could also be called a trojan due to its elusive installation and hijacking methods.

Manual removal: Click the start button and then click on run.
Type regedit in the box and click ok.

Locate HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\policies\explorer\run
In the right pane, delete winlogon.exe if the data is msole32.exe

Run X-cleaner or Regblock to finish the removal process.


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posted by VaTsAl at 10:01 pm | Permalink 0 comments

How to Dual Boot Linux with Windows
You can set your computer to dual boot either with the Windows NT bootloader, Grub, LILO or any other bootloader.
normal Windows partition is at /dev/hda1 and Linux partition is at /dev/hda2. The boot is at /dev/hda4.
Grub as the bootloader
First, emerge Grub with

emerge grub

Edit /boot/grub/grub.conf

title Gentoo
root (hd0,1)
kernel /kernel-2.6.15-gentoo-r4 root=/dev/hda4 vga=791

title Microsoft Windows XP
rootnoverify (hd0,0)
chainloader +1

Legend: In my laptop,
/dev/hda1 is (hd0,0)
/dev/hda2 is (hd0,1)

If you want a graphical Grub, click here
LILO as the bootloader
If you want to let LILO be the bootloader, just click on 'yes' during the installation; thats what I did.
I selected graphical LILO as the bootloader for my computer at home and GRUB at work in the Plant Pathology dept where I worked.

Windows NT bootloader as the default bootloader
However, if you want Windows NT bootloader as your default bootloader, follow the steps below.

* Windows 2000 has to Own the MBR - you can't install LILO in it.
* When you install linux, install LILO on the root install partition instead & make a boot disk when prompted.
* Then, when linux is done installing, boot it from the disk.
* Mount a new msdos floppy and type:
dd if=/dev/hda6 bs=512 count=1 of=/linux.bin
(here, hda6 is the root partition, you can substitute it for your own linux root partition)
* Now you need to copy the MBR to the floppy
mount -t msdos /dev/fd0 /mnt
cp /linux.bin /mnt
umount /mnt
* Remove the floppy from the drive and reboot in Windows 2000.
* Copy the linux.bin file from the disk you just used to the root of your C drive.
* Edit c:\boot.ini and add an entry at the end that looks something like this: c:\linux.bin="RedHat 7" or whatever you want to call it.
* The NT bootloader will now launch LILO when you choose RedHat from the menu.

Recovering a lost LILO
Boot into Linux using a Linux boot floppy and type /sbin/lilo

Removing LILO
If you have Win 95/98, type FDISK /mbr
If you have Windows 2000, boot from the Windows 2000 CD and type fixmbr
Or else, from Linux, type /sbin/lilo -u

Removing Grub (and installing LILO)
If you have Grub as your default bootloader and want to replace it with LILO, here is what you do.
To remove Grub, you have to create a /etc/lilo.conf that describes your setup.
Type lilo -v to replace Grub with LILO.

Removing Grub (and installing Windows bootloader)
If you have Grub as your default bootloader and want to replace it with the Windows bootloader, you have two options.
Execute the fixboot command in Windows. It may work.
Or else, reinstall Windows.


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posted by VaTsAl at 7:50 pm | Permalink 0 comments

Windows Hacks and Solutions
I have some secret Windows tips and tricks here. Many are problems which you may encounter, but for which Windows does not provide a readymade solution.

Display a banner each time Windows boots

1. Start -> Run
2. Type regedit
3. Go to the key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\WinLogon
4. Create a new string value in the right pane named LegalNoticeCaption and enter the value that you want to see in the menubar
5. Create a new string value and name it LegalNoticeText. Modify it and insert the message you want to display each time Windows boots.

Shutting down Windows the fastest way

1. Start -> Run
2. Type rundll.exe user.exe,exitwindows

Internet Explorer
Your browser logo shows something other than the IE logo. Maybe you have installed your ISP software and you have a different logo on the top right. How do you remove it?

1. Close all browser windows
2. Start -> Run
3. Type RunDLL32.EXE IEdkcs32.dll,Clear
4. Click on OK, and start Internet Explorer. You should find the old spinning IE logo.


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posted by VaTsAl at 7:30 pm | Permalink 0 comments

Approach 1: There are websites Anonymizer who fetch the blocked site/ page from their servers and display it to you. As far as the service provider is concerned you are viewing a page from Anonymizer and not the blocked site.

Approach 2: To access the blocked Web site. type the IP number instead of the URL in the address bar. But if the ISP software maps the IP address to the web server (reverse DNS lookup), the website will remain blocked.

Approach 3: Use a URL redirection service like or These domain forward services sometimes work as the address in the the url box remain the redirect url and do not change to the banned site.

Approach 4: Use Google Mobile Search. Google display the normal HTML pages as if you are viewing them on a mobile phone. During the translation, Google removes the javascript content and CSS scripts and breaks a longer page into several smaller pages.

Approach 5: Enter the URL in Google or Yahoo search and then visit the cached copy of the page. To retrieve the page more quickly from Google's cache, click "Cached Text Only" while the browser is loading the page from cache.

Approach 6: A recent Oreilly story on accessing blocked websites suggested an approach to access restricted web sites using Google language tools service as a proxy server. Basically, you have Google translate your page from English to English (or whatever language you like). Assuming that Google isn’t blacklisted in your country or school, you should be able to access any site with this method. Visit this site via Google Proxy

Approach 7: Anonymous Surfing Surf the internet via a proxy server. A proxy server (or proxies) is a normal computer that hides the identity of computers on its network from the Internet. Which means that only the address of the proxy server is visible to the world and not of those computers that are using it to browse the Internet. Just visit the proxy server website with your Web browser and enter a URL (website address) in the form provided.

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posted by VaTsAl at 7:22 pm | Permalink 0 comments

Access Orkut from anywhere

If you are in office or school or univeristy campus where orkut is blocked,either by the office administrator or by your organization then you can access it easily without any hassles.This can also be tried by users living in countries where orkut is blocked by their ISP.

Just go to and type in the name of any site you want to access.This works for orkut and other blocked sites too.

Even though these sites can be accessed through proxy servers as i have discussed in my earlier post,but i have noticed that the sites for proxy servers is even blocked at various places.

So this alternative can be tried.

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posted by VaTsAl at 6:13 pm | Permalink 0 comments