note book wont hibernate!!
5 January 2007
Fix: It takes a well tuned system to actually access the hibernation mode and return successfully back to the free world:)
firstly make sure that hibernation is supported on the system.
1) open the power options from the control panel,click the hibernate tab and check the "enable hibernation" box.
2)if no hibernation box appears then your pc or laptop does not support hibernation. :(
power saving is more in hibernation then in standby
in standby it takes about 10 seconds to return to normal
while hibernate might take 15-20 seconds but saves a lot more power comparatively;there by helping the longevity of the battery.
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firstly make sure that hibernation is supported on the system.
1) open the power options from the control panel,click the hibernate tab and check the "enable hibernation" box.
2)if no hibernation box appears then your pc or laptop does not support hibernation. :(
power saving is more in hibernation then in standby
in standby it takes about 10 seconds to return to normal
while hibernate might take 15-20 seconds but saves a lot more power comparatively;there by helping the longevity of the battery.
Labels: Windows tricks
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